What are the side effects and aftereffects of radiation therapy?


What are the side effects and aftereffects of radiation therapy?

​Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy can help people with cancer. This is the standard treatment method for treatment. However, there are many side effects and aftereffects from radiation therapy. Let's find out what kind of side effects and side effects there are. Let's talk about ways to improve it.

The side effects of radiation therapy ​​

First of all, the side effects of radiotherapy include general fatigue, skin changes in the treated area, symptoms such as swelling and redness, dryness and itching may occur.

​Usually, if patients take good care of themselves after completing treatment, the body will return to its original state, but those who do not , during treatment, symptoms may worsen and pain may intensify.

​Side effects that vary from body part to body.

The side effects of radiotherapy vary from one part of the body to another. First, the brain may temporarily swell due to radiation during the treatment period, which can cause symptoms such as headache and vomiting. In addition, the treated area may become red, and memory loss may occur as a temporary symptom from 6 months to 2 years after treatment.

Head and neck

Side effects of radiotherapy for the head and neck include pain in the throat when swallowing food two to three weeks after starting treatment.

There may also be changes in the voice, and after treatment, the skin above the neck may become inflamed and harden.

The thorax

​On the thorax, radiation pneumonia can occur if you continue to receive radiation treatment. In this regard, you need to take medicine, and if the symptoms worsen, you need to consult a specialist.

Chest ​

Side effects of radiation therapy on the chest area can cause temporary itching of the skin and change color like sunburn. This can also cause radiation pneumonia, such as the thorax side mentioned above, and if a lot of lymph nodes in the armpit are removed during breast cancer surgery, the arm on the side of the surgery may swell.

Abdominal and pelvic

​In the abdomen and pelvis, if a lot of radiation is leaked to the liver, liver levels may temporarily rise or liver function may decrease. ​It can also cause intestinal bleeding, so you should mention it if the pain persists steadily while undergoing radiation therapy. ​Also, you should be careful because infertility can occur and sexual intercourse pain can occur in women.

Spine & bone

Side effects of radiation therapy to the spine, bones, or limbs can result in compression fractures as bone strength decreases during treatment.​In this case, radiation therapy should be discontinued and surgical treatment should be performed.​

Radiotherapy during the growth phase can slow growth, and radiotherapy to the spine can make you less tall.

Also, fingernails or toenails can fall out if exposed to radiation therapy.

Nutrient intake ​

As such, it is especially important to take a lot of nutrients and exercise regularly during radiation therapy. Some people avoid eating protein and carbohydrates because they think fruits and vegetables are good for their health. However, please remember that you have to take various nutrients evenly.

Hue Light Immune Care Center Innovative immune care system without side effects (hue-light.net)


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