How to Get Out of Chronic Fatigue in Daily Life

 How to Get Out of Chronic Fatigue in Daily Life

The way to get rid of chronic fatigue will work to some extent if you can get completely out of your daily life and don't get stressed out.

But how many people can do this?

How nice would it be if you could get rid of chronic fatigue substances by managing stress well, exercising steadily, and getting enough sleep in your daily life? Everyone knows that it is not easy to change a habit that one has built for a long time.

So what if there's a way to get rid of chronic fatigue while keeping your daily life the same?

It's molecular hydrogen inhalation therapy.

H-2000 hydrogen inhaler

Hydrogen inhalation therapy is a therapy that inhales hydrogen gas through the nose. The mechanism that hydrogen acts as the fastest and most powerful antioxidant has long been medically proven. In Japan, hydrogen inhalation therapy is registered in medical insurance as a treatment, and in China, hydrogen inhalation therapy is approved as a treatment for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. But how does this hydrogen inhalation therapy help with chronic fatigue? Before we talk about this, we need to know about fatigue.

Fatigue substances and fatigue recovery substances

Recent studies suggest that the cause of chronic fatigue is a protein called Fatigue Factor, which suggests that the accumulation of the substance is one cause of fatigue. There are many theories about fatigue, but a study conducted at Bonn Sigmund-Freud-Str University Hospital in Germany has drawn one answer.

The stagnation of fatigue is that when the brain is stressed and confused, the autonomic nervous system loses its normal function, resulting in fatigue. The two sympathetic nerves activated during tension and the parasympathetic nerves activated during rest function in balance like brakes and accelerators depending on the environment or situation, playing a key role in the body's circulation and maintenance. However, the state of this autonomic nerve imbalance is related to the occurrence and deterioration of brain fatigue.

Source: Lee Yoon-sung, author of hydrogen inhalation therapy. 

Book Publishing Haum Publishing Co., Ltd.

For example, watching a computer monitor for a long time makes your eyes tired. It's not the eyes that are actually tired, it's the brain. In general, when a person looks at a distance, tension is relieved to activate the parasympathetic nerve, and when they look at a close distance, the sympathetic nerve is activated. However, when working on a PC, the autonomic nervous system's balance is broken and brain fatigue occurs because the state of looking closely continues while being nervous. Therefore, the tired brain signals that "the eyes are tired," signaling that you should no longer work on the computer. 

Memory is a big difference between when the brain is not tired and when it is tired. Memory can't be settled for long in a tired brain. It also weakens your resistance to stress. The effect of brain fatigue on humans is so severe, but there have been few effective remedies so far. There are drinks for fatigue recovery, but this mainly stimulates the brain with caffeine, temporarily making it difficult to feel tired, but it does not keep the autonomic nervous system balanced. 

In addition, some people take health functional foods, but there is a lack of scientific evidence for the effect of recovering from brain fatigue. 'I slept a lot, but I'm still tired.' 'Even though I rested on the weekend, I feel heavy.' There are many people who feel this way. 

So how does the brain recognize changes in body conditions? The key is a special protein called "Fatigue Factor." In the process of producing energy in the mitochondria of cells, the human body produces a substance called "active oxygen" in the body. 

Cells oxidized by excessive active oxygen have adverse effects on the body, such as malnutrition and difficulty in discharging waste, eventually dying or turning into cancer cells. Therefore, when fatigue substances are secreted by the wastes of oxidized cells in the body, it sends a warning signal to the hypothalamus of the brain.

On the other hand, when fatigue substances are secreted, the body also secretes 'Fatigue Recovery Factor', which promotes fatigue recovery. The representative compound of fatigue recovery materials is a naturally produced substance in the body called taurine or 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid, which is the main component of bile, which is also produced in the large intestine and accounts for 0.1% of body weight. 

Taurine is known to help produce glutathione in the body, which helps eliminate liver fatigue, and plays a key role in controlling osmotic pressure so that calcium can move properly into cells. In addition, it has been reported to prevent heart disease by inhibiting the sympathetic nervous system that causes blood pressure to rise, and by inducing regular pumping movements of the heart to improve blood flow. 

The problem is that as you get older, or when your autonomic nerves break out of balance, the amount of this fatigue recovery substance decreases. If fatigue recovery substances are reduced, of course, there will be a hole in the system that will suppress excessive active oxygen generation in the body, and furthermore, fatigue will be increased. As the amount of fatigue substances increases and the amount of fatigue recovery substances decreases, fatigue recovery cannot keep up and fatigue accumulates more and more fatigue. That's why there's a vicious cycle of getting more tired, and that's why it's easy to feel tired as you get older. 

Hydrogen Heals 'Brain Fatigue' As mentioned earlier, free oxygen in the brain can disrupt the balance of the autonomic nerves and damage brain cells at the same time. Since free oxygen reacts with the lipids of the cell membrane and oxidizes cells in a chain, the same goes for other tissues, but brain cells have a great impact on the entire human body.

Source: Lee Yoon-sung, author of hydrogen inhalation therapy. 

Book Publishing Haum Publishing Co., Ltd.

For office workers who are always busy, especially those who are in jobs that need creativity especially, those who can't make any time for business, I recommend that you relieve chronic fatigue with hydrogen inhalation therapy.

You can sit at your desk, work, relax, sleep, and inhale hydrogen.

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