Hydrogen inhalation is an antioxidant?

Hydrogen inhalation is an antioxidant?  

Molecular hydrogen permeates everywhere in human tissues.

There are countless nutritional supplements and foods in the world that are good for antioxidants. 

Let's take a look at the superiority of molecular hydrogen, which is dozens of times more effective than anything else in the world.

Hydrogen has three properties: 'gas', 'diffusivity that spreads instantaneously', and 'very small particles'.


Hydrogen is a gas.

Hydrogen gas, which is the three properties of hydrogen, is the element periodic number 1, the lightest element, and the most abundant element, accounting for about 75% of the mass of the universe, with the atomic symbol 'H' and molecular hydrogen 'H2'.

When people think of hydrogen, they probably think of images of water. That is because hydrogen is the simplest substance that combines one proton and one electron, which combines with oxygen molecules and is on Earth in the form of water. Water is 'H2O', which is molecular hydrogen (2 hydrogen atoms, H2) and 1 oxygen (O).   However, when this water molecule is energized in some way to separate oxygen and hydrogen, it is converted into a gas.


The converted gas is immediately blown into space at the slightest exposure to the atmosphere. As a separated, colorless, transparent gas, hydrogen cannot bond with other molecules on its own and cannot dissolve in water. It has a diffuse nature that immediately spreads into the atmosphere by gravity as soon as it occurs.

Smallest element

In fact, hydrogen is the smallest element in the universe. How small? For example, when we gulp water, the water flows down the throat into the stomach. If this is not water, but hydrogen gas, it leaves the mucous tissues of the mouth and penetrates the throat, nose, and even the eyes and brain. Human tissues are made up of skin, muscles, organs, blood vessels, and bones, all of which are a collection of cells, but molecular hydrogen is very small, so it seeps into or penetrates into cells and penetrates into all tissues of the human body. That hydrogen is a gas, so it has the ability to diffuse around it, so it's very small enough to get through a muscle or a bone.  Remember these three things first about hydrogen.

In the case of nutritional supplements, foods, and medicines, they are first eaten or drunk by mouth and sent to the digestive system, where the active ingredients that are digested and absorbed flow into the blood. And it travels through the bloodstream and is carried to various parts of the body, where it becomes active. In other words, it can be sufficiently absorbed and transported to the cell, and then acted on there to take effect.

In this process, the active ingredient may not reach a specific part of the body due to differences in digestive absorption capacity depending on the person. Moreover, most people who already have the disease have poor metabolic function, so it can be difficult for the active ingredient to reach the necessary parts of the body.

Molecular hydrogen gas inhaled through the nose is a gas that not only enters the respiratory organs of the airways and lungs, but also enters the eyes and brain through the skin in the nose and functions as an antioxidant. 

In addition to immediately entering the blood from the lungs, it also spreads directly to the surrounding tissues. Since hydrogen has the smallest molecular structure among all elements, it penetrates into the bones through the internal organs and penetrates deeply into the body. In important organs such as the brain, there is something like a gateway to check for foreign invaders, and it is difficult to get inside except for a certain substance, but hydrogen is so small that even the brain gateway is a free pass.   In important organs such as the brain, there is something like a gateway to check for foreign invaders, and it is difficult to get inside except for a certain substance, but hydrogen is so small that even the brain gateway is a free pass.  It enters any complex body without any obstacles, and acts as an antioxidant and immune system. 



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