How can you prevent the causes of early diabetes?

How can you prevent the causes of early diabetes?

Diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death in South Korea. 16.5 deaths per 100,000 people are attributed to the disease. Diabetes, in which insulin does not function normally, excreting glucose in the urine is a terrible disease. Diabetes can lead to a variety of complications, including retinopathy, cardiovascular disease, and digestive disease.

You can get diabetes at any age, and if you develop it at a younger age, you're more likely to live with it for a longer period of time and suffer from complications.

Early diabetes symptoms

If you don't prevent it early just because you're young, you're at risk of developing a bigger disease over time.

The most common early symptoms of diabetes are drinking too much water, urinating too much, and eating too much, and the most common symptoms are blotchy skin, tingling in the hands and feet, and weight loss.

Problems with insulin secretion

Blood glucose is the concentration of glucose in the blood and is used to provide energy with the help of insulin, and when there is a problem with insulin secretion, the level becomes unstable, leading to diabetes and its complications.

It is effective to prevent the early symptoms of diabetes by keeping your blood sugar levels within the normal range.

How to measure fasting blood glucose levels

When it comes to fasting blood glucose levels, the general rule of thumb is to measure them after 8 hours of fasting, and anything below 100mg/dl is considered normal, while postprandial blood glucose levels are considered normal if they are below 140mg/dl two hours after eating. 

However, it's the postprandial blood sugar that we need to be a little bit more concerned about. 

Postprandial blood sugar

Postprandial blood sugar can have a greater impact on diabetes complications, such as cardiovascular disease, than fasting high blood sugar. Postprandial blood sugar rises sharply as absorbed carbohydrates are digested and converted into glucose, which then moves around in the blood.

To prevent diabetes

​In order to prevent diabetes, you should basically eat a balanced diet when you eat food, and you should focus on foods low in carbohydrates, fats, and sodium, and low sugar index.

It is advisable to eat in the order of dietary fiber, protein → carbohydrates → carbohydrates, starting with those low in sugars.

Eat whole grains

In addition, whole grain varieties such as oats, brown rice, and barley delay the passage of food through the intestines, which can delay hunger, reduce blood cholesterol due to their beta-glucan content, and slow the absorption of glucose.

This can help a lot in bowel movement and diabetes prevention, and it can also have a positive effect on colon cancer.

Eat mushrooms

In addition, mushrooms such as shiitake, oyseter, enoki and button. mushrooms are rich in beta-glucan and have a lot of dietary fiber, which reduces cholesterol, improves lipid metabolism, and inhibits the accumulation of body fat, so it is recommended not only for diabetes but also for those who manage obesity.

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