Get to know the initial symptoms and causes of pancreatic cancer and deal with them properly.

Get to know the initial symptoms and causes of pancreatic cancer and deal with them properly.

Due to various reasons such as environment, food, and stress, the body's immune system breaks down, causing problems in the process of cell production and destruction. Cells that should disappear remain and clump together to form tumors, and then they clump together and become tumors. What's often called cancer is a malignant tumor.

Pancreatic cancer

When these malignant tumors occur in the pancreas, they are called pancreatic cancer, and they are divided into various types according to the location of occurrence, and more than 90% are adenocarcinoma caused by the gland cells of the pancreatic duct.

Genetic modifications have been found in more than 90% of cancer cases, and several environmental factors are known to be involved in combination.

Smoking and diabetes

The biggest reason for pancreatic cancer is smoking. Tobacco is a carcinogen that greatly affects the occurrence of pancreatic cancer, and smokers are the most important risk factor, about 1.7 times more likely to develop pancreatic cancer than non-smokers.​

Diabetes can cause pancreatic cancer, and on the contrary, it can be caused by pancreatic cancer. People with diabetes should have pancreatic cancer tests periodically.

Dietary habits and chemicals

Excessive consumption of meat, fat, and carbohydrates increases the risk of pancreatic cancer, and foods containing fruits, vegetables, and vitamins can reduce the risk.​

​People who work in jobs related to coal, tar, metal, and machinery repair have a higher incidence of colorectal and pancreatic cancer.​

Gasoline, pesticides, and radiation exposure are also classified as risk factors, so it is important to detect them early with regular checkups if they are unavoidable.

Pit of the stomach and back pain

​Then, if you look at the symptoms when pancreatic cancer occurs, it can be said that the most important symptom that more than 90% of people experience is pain.

​Pain in the pit of the stomach is the most common, and it can be felt anywhere in the left and right sides of the abdomen.

Especially if you feel the pain in your lower back, it's already quite advanced. Even if it is a small pain, it is most important to go to the hospital for an examination.

Weight loss ​

Sometimes patients lose weight rapidly within a few months. As cancer causes appetite loss and absorption disorders, food intake naturally decreases and weight decreases, other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, constipation, and weakness may occur, and mental pain such as depression, emotional anxiety, and insomnia may also occur.

Terminal pancreatic cancer symptoms ​Late-stage pancreatic cancer symptoms, which can already develop a lot of cancer, can result in weight loss and yellow jaundice in the skin and eyes as appetite decreases, and urine can turn brown or red and feces can turn white or gray. ​As it is pancreatic cancer that does not show any symptoms in the early stages, it is recommended that you visit the hospital and get tested quickly if you have any symptoms that are slightly different from usual.


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