
Showing posts from August, 2023

With PBM therapy, a definite effect of Parkinson's care!

 With PBM therapy, a definite effect of Parkinson's care!   ​Why Parkinson's disease is considered difficult to recover There is no complete cure for Parkinson's disease to date. Current treatments are usually limited to alleviating symptoms and may reduce treatment effects as the disease progresses. Also, damage to dopamine cells, the cause of Parkinson's disease, is currently very difficult to simply treat. This is because it is not easy to regenerate or replace dopamine cells. In this situation, the recovery effect of Parkinson's disease through PBM therapy, which has been shown through various studies, is giving expectations and hopes to many patients.  ​ Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disease that appears as a loss of neurons that produce dopamine in the brain's inner black body. A study conducted by Dr. Michael Hamblin, a senior researcher at the Center for Wirium and associate professor at Harvard, found that PBM therapy is a non-surgical ...

Immune degradation could be life-threatening

Immune degradation could be life-threatening ​In this hot summer, more people suffer from various diseases due to poor immunity. It is said that there are not a few people who develop shingles as their immunity decreases, and there are many people who develop various diseases or inflammatory diseases, including pneumonia.  It is easy to get tired both physically and mentally due to the scorching heat that continues day after day, but if you don't pay attention to health care in this case, your health can be more severely damaged due to your lowered immunity. There are many reasons why immunity decreases in summer, but "in-room temperature difference" is the main cause. ​It's similar to the reason why immunity decreases during the change of seasons. Due to the temperature difference between morning and afternoon, the body cannot adapt or decreases immunity in the process of adapting, but if the temperature difference between the air-conditioned interior and the hot out...

Why Low Immunity Is Critical to Health ​

  Why Low Immunity Is Critical to Health ​  A boring and humid rainy season continues. In hot summer, it is especially easy to be exposed to various diseases due to decreased immunity. Immunity management is more important than anything else to protect your health in summer. This is because reduced immunity can be a fatal risk to health for the following reasons. ​  First, if your immunity weakens, your resistance to infection decreases. This increases the risk of infection with viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens. ​    In addition, decreased immunity can increase the risk of developing serious diseases. For example, people with weak immune systems are more likely to be exposed to diseases such as cancer, autoimmune diseases, and heart diseases. Above all, if your immune system is weak, the wound healing and recovery process can take longer. This can make the healing process more difficult in situations such as trauma, surgery, and inflammation.  ​D...

The risk of diabetes

  The risk of diabetes ​ An acquaintance in his mid-60s is in a coma, relying on an oxygen respirator after collapsing from a cerebral hemorrhage not long ago. He usually looked healthy, but he had diabetes, but he didn't treat it properly. Once again, I felt the danger of diabetes. Korea has the highest death rate from diabetes among OECD countries, and fortunately, diabetes can cause complications such as myocardial infarction, stroke, kidney failure, blindness and amputation of the lower extremities. An important cause of death in diabetics is cardiovascular disease, and studies show that risk factors such as smoking, hypertension, dyslipidemia, and obesity in diabetics increase the risk of myocardial infarction by 70 times. Chronic renal failure, a kidney complication in diabetics, is also a problem, so the cost of dialysis treatment or kidney transplantation for chronic renal failure is the highest among diabetes complications. ​ Cardiovascular disease and kidneys are organica...